
Your questions answered – summer 2022

|August 29, 2022

Your questions answered – summer 2022

We asked Michael Blaiss, MD, FACAAI, executive medical director, to reflect on his time as EMD, which ends on Dec. 31, 2022.

What have you found most rewarding about your position?

这已经是en an honor to serve as EMD for the College. Spending the last six years working for the specialty that I love has been very rewarding. What bringsme the most joy in this position is when the College can help our members address important issues and promote our specialty. I have also had the pleasure of working with six excellent College presidents.

What insights have you gained with regard to the inner workings of the College?

The most “eye-opening” insights for me have to do with the excellent staff and their high level of teamwork under the leadership of Rick Slawny. Everyone on staff is very passionate in making sure that the College fulfills its mission to you and your patients.

What direction is the College headed in the next 5 – 10 years?

I wish I had a crystal ball. I know the Vision Forward strategic initiative will continue to ensure the growth of the College. I think that all of medicine, including allergy/immunology will go through major disruptions in how we practice. Many of you are seeing it now. I have no doubt that the College will adapt to all of these changes. The College has a terrific allergist taking over the EMD position, Todd Mahr, MD, FACAAI. He has all the skills to help the staff and College leadership move us forward for the next 5-10 years. I leave the College in very good hands.
