
CPT Codes for testing to local anesthetics

CPT Codes for testing to local anesthetics

The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for coding a local anesthetics testing.

Q: What code should I use when I do skin testing and intradermal testing for administration of local anesthetics?

A: CPT 95018 is the correct code to use when skin testing for an allergy to any drug. It should be used for both prick testing and intradermal testing. Enter the total number of prick and intradermal tests performed on the claim form. In addition, 96372 can be used for the administration of the anesthetic.

A man with hands on hips looking at chalk drawings of question marks and bags of money

95018:过敏测试,经皮的任意组合(scratch, puncture, prick) and intracutaneous (intradermal), sequential and incremental, with drugs or biologicals, immediate type reaction, including test interpretation and report, specify number of tests.

96372:Therapeutic, prophylactic, ordiagnosticinjection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular

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