
The College’s revitalized House of Delegates

February 17, 2020

The College’s revitalized House of Delegates

我们’re reinvigorating the College's House of Delegates (HOD) to provide a closer connection between the College/Advocacy Council and member allergists in each state. To that end, we’re looking for interested individuals to join this networking effort as state Delegates.Applications are being acceptedthrough Feb. 28.

Sound interesting, but not sure you have the right skill set? We have you covered! The College has multiple opportunities to learn the ropes, including an onboarding webinar in June and an in-person training session in September in Chicago. More educational webinars are planned, and all webinars will be recorded – to enable you to view at your leisure.

College delegates will serve as liaisons between local, state and regional societies to share intel on legislation that may adversely impact the specialty. We need advocates at the local level who will play a critical role in thenewHOD. Thedelegate job descriptionclearly describes the position and should answer any questions. This is your opportunity to help shape the specialty you love –apply today.
