
Preparing for Boards

|July 12, 2022

Preparing for Boards

Members of the New Allergists Committee have compiled relevant board review resources for recent graduates as they prepare for boards this fall. These resources are also helpful for new allergists for continuing medical education and lifelong learning.


虽然有很多伟大的textbooks for allergy and immunology, members of the New Allergists Committee recommend utilizing the textbook that was used in fellowship for continuity and ease of review. Examples of commonly used textbooks:

  • Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Authors: Abul Abbas, Andrew Lichtman, Shiv Pillai
  • Janeway’s Immunobiology. Authors: Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver
  • Middleton’s Allergy Principles and Practice. Editors: A Wesley Burks, Stephen T Holgate, Robyn E O’Hehir, Leonard B. Bacharier, David H. Broide, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Stokes Peebles

Practice parameters

Theallergy practice parametersare designed to assist allergists in providing diagnostics and treatments using evidence-based scientific evidence. The practice parameters describe generally accepted practices and are a great tool for those starting in practice after fellowship.

Interactive Practice Parameters & Yardsticks

eParameters和eYardsticksare tools designed to enable physicians to learn about current Practice Parameters and Yardsticks and effectively apply them in their practices. They apply an intuitive navigational approach to the content that allow providers to access the information they need in an efficient and impactful way. eParameters and eYardsticks are available for free to College members.

Board review book

TheACAAI Review for the Allergy & Immunology Boardsis another great study guide that includes key facts, mnemonics, and interactive flashcards for those preparing for the boards as well as allergists at all levels.

Board review course

Held every two years, theACAAI/AAAAI Joint Allergy Board Review Certification Courseprovides over 30 hours of board review content from 47 different speakers. It also includes a study guide as well as more than 170 practice questions to help with board preparation.


Video resources that members have found helpful to prepare for boards include theCOLA (Conferences On-Line Allergy) lecture series, which is a collaborative program between the ACAAI and Children’s Mercy.

Practice questions

Nothing provides better preparation before the boards than being able to answer and review questions. Head over to theACAAI Board Review Cornerwhich includes over 350 review questions developed by the ACAAI FIT Committee.

TheACAAI Allergy & Immunology Medicine (AIM) Self-Assessmentis yet another helpful tool designed to help allergy providers obtain new knowledge and solidify concepts. The module is made up of 108 case-based, multiple-choice questions with comprehensive discussions and supporting references.

Man writing on a piece of paper
