



阿灵顿高地,病了。(2019年1月9日)-德克萨斯州威德福的威德福独立学区最近宣布,取代Epinephrine is a naturally occurring hormone, also called adrenaline. It is one of two chemicals (the other is norepinephrine) released by the adrenal gland. Epinephrine increases the speed and force of heart beats and thereby the work that can be done by the heart. It dilates the airways to improve breathing and narrows blood vessels in the skin and intestine so that an increased flow of blood reaches the muscles and allows them to cope with the demands of exercise. Epinephrine has been produced synthetically as a drug since 1900. It remains the drug of choice for treatment of anaphylaxis." rel="tooltip">肾上腺素在美国,他们将给有过敏反应的学生服用苯海拉明。学区的理由是没有足够的训练有素的人员在所有时间和学校运营的所有地点管理“非指定的肾上腺素”。

“这个决定将该学区学生的生命置于危险之中,”过敏症专家托德·马尔医学博士说,他是美国大学的校长Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of the allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other substances), or of the stomach and intestines to a particular food." rel="tooltip">过敏Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease characterized by recurrent breathing problems. People with asthma have acute episodes where the air passages in their lungs get narrower, and breathing becomes more difficult. Sometimes episodes of asthma are triggered by allergens, although infection, exercise, cold air and other factors are also important triggers." rel="tooltip">哮喘和免疫学(ACAAI)。"任何有严重过敏反应的人,被称为Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a severe, frightening and life-threatening allergic reaction. The reaction, although rare, can occur after an insect sting or as a reaction to an injected drug - for example, penicillin or antitetanus (horse) serum. Less commonly, the reaction occurs after a particular food or drug has been taken by mouth." rel="tooltip">过敏症,应立即给予肾上腺素。这是一种拯救生命的措施——苯海拉明(Benadryl)无法提供的措施。我们强烈敦促威德福独立学区重新考虑他们的决定。”

Benadryl等抗组胺通常是口服给出的,并且它们可能需要一个小时才能生效。肾上腺素——肾上腺素自动注射剂(EAIs)中发现的药物——是一种注射到腿部肌肉的药物,几分钟内就能起作用。抗组胺剂会堵塞Histamine is a chemical present in cells throughout the body that is released during an allergic reaction. Histamine is one of the substances responsible for the symptoms of inflammation and is the major reason for a nose running, sneezing, and itching in allergic rhinitis. It also stimulates acid production by the stomach and narrows the bronchi or airways in the lungs." rel="tooltip">组胺但组胺只是严重过敏反应的因素之一,所以苯海拉明不是有效的治疗方法。治疗的任何延误都可能增加住院或死亡的风险。





ACAAI是一家专业的医疗机构,总部位于伊利诺伊州阿灵顿高地,拥有6000多名过敏症专家、免疫学家和相关健康专业人员。学院培养了一种合作和融洽的文化,在这种文化中,它的成员一起工作,并与其他人一起为病人护理、教育、倡导和研究的共同目标。ACAAI过敏专科医生是经过委员会认证的医师,经过培训,能够诊断过敏和哮喘,管理Immunotherapy ("allergy shots") is a form of preventive and anti-inflammatory treatment of allergy to substances such as pollens, house dust mites, fungi, and stinging insect venom. Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance, or allergen, to which the person is allergic. The incremental increases of the allergen cause the immune system to become less sensitive to the substance, perhaps by causing production of a particular "blocking" antibody, which reduces the symptoms of allergy when the substance is encountered in the future." rel="tooltip">免疫疗法,并为患者提供最佳的治疗结果。有关更多信息并找到救济,访问AllergyAndasthMarelief.org..加入我们脸谱网Pinterest推特