




“过敏症专科医生知道,我们的患者希望远离COVID,同时保持他们的过敏和Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease characterized by recurrent breathing problems. People with asthma have acute episodes where the air passages in their lungs get narrower, and breathing becomes more difficult. Sometimes episodes of asthma are triggered by allergens, although infection, exercise, cold air and other factors are also important triggers." rel="tooltip">哮喘在控制下,“美国学院总裁MD的过敏师J. Allen Meadows说Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of the allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other substances), or of the stomach and intestines to a particular food." rel="tooltip">过敏,哮喘和免疫学。“我们作为过敏剂的首要任务是保持患者,工作人员和每个参与的家庭安全。某些程序需要向办公室旅行,所以如果你必须进来,就知道你的过敏师已经把协议放在适当的地方,让您的访问舒适和安全。“


  1. 过敏镜头-治疗中度至重度过敏最自然和最好的方法是通过过敏原Immunotherapy ("allergy shots") is a form of preventive and anti-inflammatory treatment of allergy to substances such as pollens, house dust mites, fungi, and stinging insect venom. Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance, or allergen, to which the person is allergic. The incremental increases of the allergen cause the immune system to become less sensitive to the substance, perhaps by causing production of a particular "blocking" antibody, which reduces the symptoms of allergy when the substance is encountered in the future." rel="tooltip">免疫疗法(过敏镜头),由触发过敏的东西提取物。过敏镜头是唯一改变的治疗方法The immune system is a collection of cells and proteins that works to protect the body from potentially harmful, infectious microorganisms (microscopic life-forms), such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. The immune system plays a role in the control of cancer and other diseases, but also is the culprit in the phenomena of allergies, hypersensitivity and the rejection of transplanted organs, tissues and medical implants." rel="tooltip">免疫系统,使得可以防止开发新的过敏和哮喘。镜头可以根据您的特定过敏量身定制,可用于治疗过敏症,包括树,草,杂草模具房子尘埃动物皮屑,虫子
  2. 新病人的访问- 如果跌倒意味着患有闷热,流鼻涕和瘙痒的眼睛,你有可能有过敏症,应该参观过敏医生。当您第一次看到董事会认证的过敏症时,它们将获得与过敏症状相关的历史,并执行需要亲自完成的体检。只有这样,如果过敏测试是合适的,如果是的话,则可以确定,如果是的话,则为过敏原。下一步是决定应执行哪种类型的过敏测试。大多数患者的最佳测试是一种过敏皮肤刺试验,需要在过敏师办公室发生。
  3. 过敏测试-过敏测试用于确定究竟是什么导致症状。每种测试都是特定的“过敏原”。通常,过敏测试评估您对宠物(如猫和狗),尘螨,草,树木,杂草和霉菌的敏感性。您居住的地方可以确定测试中包含哪些花粉。过敏测试也可以为食物,青霉素进行,An inflammation of the skin, usually causing itching and sometimes accompanied by crusting, scaling or blisters. A type of eczema often made worse by allergen exposure is termed "atopic dermatitis."" rel="tooltip">湿疹根据您的历史,哮喘和昆虫。如果您的过敏症不做皮肤测试,它们可能会进行验血。皮肤测试比血液检测更敏感,但如果服用可能干扰过敏测试结果或具有非常敏感的皮肤或严重的皮肤状况,则过敏症可能会使用血液测试来诊断过敏。
  4. 生物制剂-生物疗法处于治疗的前沿,因为它们具有个性化的潜力,可以用于治疗导致过敏的特定细胞和/或抗体Inflammation is the redness, swelling, heat and pain in a tissue due to chemical or physical injury, or to infection. It is a characteristic of allergic reactions in the nose, lungs, and skin." rel="tooltip">炎.生物制剂现在被用于治疗过敏性疾病,如哮喘、特应性皮炎(湿疹),甚至慢性疾病The sinuses (paranasal sinuses) are air cavities within the facial bones. They are lined by mucous membranes similar to those in other parts of the airways." rel="tooltip">窦鼻息肉患者疾病。生物制剂由生物体制成或含有生物体的组成部分。通常,至少首先通过射击给出生物学。因此,如果您在生物学中,对过敏医生的访问是为了秩序。
  5. 口服食物的挑战- 找出某人是否有食物过敏的最佳方式是通过口腔食物挑战(OFC),在那里在董事会认证过敏师的监督下,该人在董事会认证过敏师的监督下给予了非常小剂量的食物。严重反应。OFC是食物过敏测试的“黄金标准”,研究表明它们非常安全,很少有人反应任何类型。也就是说,OFC必须在过敏反应的罕见情况下在其监督下在过敏案中进行。


