



阿灵顿高地,生病了。(2月25日)-一篇新文章过敏史,Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease characterized by recurrent breathing problems. People with asthma have acute episodes where the air passages in their lungs get narrower, and breathing becomes more difficult. Sometimes episodes of asthma are triggered by allergens, although infection, exercise, cold air and other factors are also important triggers." rel="tooltip">哮喘和免疫学该科学杂志,美国过敏院,哮喘和免疫学(ACAAI)讨论了儿童父母对食物过敏的困难,不会将自己的焦虑传递给孩子。



“过敏症人士表示,有助于食物过敏的儿童焦虑的主要因素包括恐惧Epinephrine is a naturally occurring hormone, also called adrenaline. It is one of two chemicals (the other is norepinephrine) released by the adrenal gland. Epinephrine increases the speed and force of heart beats and thereby the work that can be done by the heart. It dilates the airways to improve breathing and narrows blood vessels in the skin and intestine so that an increased flow of blood reaches the muscles and allows them to cope with the demands of exercise. Epinephrine has been produced synthetically as a drug since 1900. It remains the drug of choice for treatment of anaphylaxis." rel="tooltip">肾上腺素自动注射器针,恐惧Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a severe, frightening and life-threatening allergic reaction. The reaction, although rare, can occur after an insect sting or as a reaction to an injected drug - for example, penicillin or antitetanus (horse) serum. Less commonly, the reaction occurs after a particular food or drug has been taken by mouth." rel="tooltip">过敏症对参加口腔食物挑战或口头的逮捕Immunotherapy ("allergy shots") is a form of preventive and anti-inflammatory treatment of allergy to substances such as pollens, house dust mites, fungi, and stinging insect venom. Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance, or allergen, to which the person is allergic. The incremental increases of the allergen cause the immune system to become less sensitive to the substance, perhaps by causing production of a particular "blocking" antibody, which reduces the symptoms of allergy when the substance is encountered in the future." rel="tooltip">免疫疗法Ruchi Gupta医学博士说,他是ACAAI成员和研究合著者。他们还说,尽管过敏反应和肾上腺素可能令人恐惧和破坏,但这些经历往往是积极应对的机会。例如,成功地使用肾上腺素可以在面对未知事物时带来一种解脱感。”

过敏症药剂指出,特别是孩子尤其,孩子可能不会特别焦虑,但父母是。他们还表示,食物挑战 - 孩子们在越来越大的情况下引入孩子的少量食物可能会过敏 - 是家庭的机会,以减少对未知的恐惧。




ACAAI是一个专业医疗组织,超过6000人的过敏症 - 免疫学家和盟军卫生专业人士,生病了,总部位于Arlington Heights,Ill。学院促进了一系列合作和共同性的文化,其成员共同努力和其他人致力于患者的共同目标关怀,教育,宣传和研究。Acaai过敏师是训练有素的董事会认证的医生,以诊断过敏和哮喘,施用免疫疗法,并为患者提供最佳的治疗结果。有关更多信息并找到救济,访问AllergyandAsthmaRelief.org。加入我们FacebookPinterest.推特