


Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of the allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other substances), or of the stomach and intestines to a particular food." rel="tooltip">过敏事实

  • 哮喘和过敏性疾病,如过敏性Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the nose, often due to an allergy to pollen, dust or other airborne substances. Seasonal allergic rhinitis also is known as "hay fever," a disorder which causes sneezing, itching, a runny nose and nasal congestion." rel="tooltip">鼻炎(花粉发烧),食物过敏,和An inflammation of the skin, usually causing itching and sometimes accompanied by crusting, scaling or blisters. A type of eczema often made worse by allergen exposure is termed "atopic dermatitis."" rel="tooltip">湿疹,对于美国的所有年龄段是常见的。哮喘影响美国超过2400万人,包括超过600万个孩子。1
  • 过敏症是美国慢性疾病的第6个主要原因。年度成本超过180亿美元。超过5000万美国人每年患有过敏症。2
  • 过敏性鼻炎,通常被称为花粉症,是一种常见的病情,导致症状,如打喷嚏,鼻塞,流鼻涕,水汪汪的眼睛和鼻子的瘙痒,眼睛或嘴巴的瘙痒。
  • 过敏性鼻炎可以是季节性或多年生的。
  • 春季,夏季和/或秋季发生季节性过敏性鼻炎的症状。它们通常是由树木,草或杂草的花粉的过敏性敏感性引起的,或者是空气中的模具孢子引起的。
  • 常年过敏性鼻炎的人全年经历症状。多年生过敏性鼻炎通常是由房屋粉尘螨,动物皮屑,蟑螂和/或模具孢子引起的敏感性。潜在或隐藏的食物过敏很少引起多年生鼻症状。
  • 一旦诊断出来,过敏性鼻炎治疗方案是:避免,消除或减少接触刺激症状,药物和药物的刺激物或过敏原Immunotherapy ("allergy shots") is a form of preventive and anti-inflammatory treatment of allergy to substances such as pollens, house dust mites, fungi, and stinging insect venom. Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance, or allergen, to which the person is allergic. The incremental increases of the allergen cause the immune system to become less sensitive to the substance, perhaps by causing production of a particular "blocking" antibody, which reduces the symptoms of allergy when the substance is encountered in the future." rel="tooltip">免疫疗法(过敏镜头)。
  • 免疫疗法(过敏镜头)有助于减少约85%的过敏性鼻炎的干草发烧症状。
  • 1997 - 2011年18岁以下儿童的食物和皮肤过敏的患病率增加。3.
  • 在2014年全国卫生面试调查(NHIS)公布的数据中,8.4%的美国18岁以下儿童患有花粉症,呼吸过敏的10%,食物过敏的5.4%,皮肤过敏的11.6%。4.

